How I Work

Margaret Goillon MA, MBACPCounsellor and UKCP Registered Psychotherapist
Haslemere, Surrey

How I Work
22nd October 2024 
How I Work
About Me
Frequently Asked Questions
Contact Details

Tel: 01428 645292
click here to email

How I Work - My Approach to Counselling and Psychotherapy

Whether you are seeking short or longer term therapy, I offer an approach which is flexible and tailored to your needs.

The First Session

The first session gives us an opportunity to meet one another and to discuss the issues you bring in some detail. You will have an opportunity to ask questions about anything that is concerning you and to get a idea of what it might be like to have further sessions with me. During the session I will be able to assess whether I think I would be able to help you, outline what approach I think would be best and how many sessions would be required. You may decide to book further appointments at this stage if you wish but there would be no pressure on you to do so. If the issues you bring are not within my area of expertise I would discuss with you what alterative resources there may be.

The Therapeutic Process

If we decide to continue with regular sessions our first task is to get to know one another better so that we create a working relationship based on trust and mutual respect. We shall need to talk in more detail about the issues you brought to our first session probably fleshing out how these things affect your life in the present. Perhaps we may also gain more understanding of what your experiences have been in the past and your hopes and fears for the future. Gradually we will together build up a more detailed picture - like putting together pieces of a jigsaw - so that you can see your situation more clearly and are therefore able to make better choices about what is concerning you.

My Fees

My fees for individuals are £65 for sessions in the daytime and £70 for evening sessions. Individual therapy sessions are for 50 minutes.

My fees for couples therapy are £80 for a one hour session in the daytime and £85 in the evening.

Please see the appropriate section for my charges for counselling and psychotherapy supervision.